What vegetables can I grow in a raised bed

If you’re looking to get into gardening, using a raised bed is a great way to start. Not only are they easy to maintain, but they also provide plenty of room for a variety of vegetables to be grown. Here are 42 vegetables you can grow in a raised bed:

1. Tomatoes
2. Carrots
3. Kale
4. Radishes
5. Lettuce
6. Spinach
7. Peas
8. Beans
9. Broccoli
10. Cabbage
11. Cucumbers
12. Zucchini
13. Squash
14. Eggplant
15. Garlic
16. Onions
17. Leeks
18. Turnips
19. Beets
20. Sweet potatoes
21. Bell peppers
22. Hot peppers
23. Parsnips
24. Celery
25. Artichokes
26. Okra
27. Brussels sprouts
28. Swiss chard
29. Mustard greens
30. Collard greens
31. Bok choy
32. Arugula
33. Kohlrabi
34. Fennel
35. Radicchio
36. Rutabaga
37. Parsley
38. Cilantro
39. Dill
40. Sage
41. Thyme
42. Oregano

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced gardener, using a raised bed to grow vegetables is a great way to get the most out of your garden. With the right care and attention, you can easily grow a variety of vegetables in your raised bed.